The 3PD Option board provides support for additional motion axes expressed as signals for use with external drives. These signals can be configured as Pulse/Direction signals
or as driven quadrature signals for use with external stepper motor drivers or servo motor drivers that can accept external pulse/direction or external quadrature signals that
the drive follows. Motion signals are RS422 differential outputs. If available, the quadrature format is desirable as it is more noise immune than pulse/dir however with good
wiring practice either format is reliable. An input for each axis is provided and is most often used for homing. This input is the “+” side of a differential receiver where the “-“ side is
tied to a 2 volt internal reference.
When working with Teknic drives it is best to connect the “+” side of the Teknic signal to the +5V pin on the option connector and the “-“ side of the Teknic signal to
the Step- or Dir- signal on the option connector. Differential drivers do not meet the voltage requirements for Teknic inputs but the described configuration does.
Pin Assignments

Option Specifications