Motion Block
The Set Error Limit block does not produce any escapes.
This Show Event displays the error position
This block list sets the position of a 3 axis robot where the Z axis is in an elevated, out of the way, position at the end of the homing procedure:
This is a simple homing procedure that concludes by setting the actual position:
This alternative procedure avoids use of the abrupt Abort command and is just as accurate:
Although accurately homed a position display would show that the axis is not at 0 but at a number which corresponds to the decel distance after the sensor edge was found. Seeing the position after homing not be "0" is for some applications unexpected. If that is a concern the
motor can be moved back to zero:
There are additional considerations for homing. Review the Homing topic to see what pertains to the current application.
Related Topics
Error Limit
Actual Position
Commanded Position