Tasks Block
This command causes a procedure in the controller to begin executing as an independent
activity concurrent along with with other tasks and motion.
Procedures can be run as concurrent tasks if they have no parameters.
Only procedure blocks can be included within the Begin Task block. Multiple procedures can be enclosed within Begin Task and all enclosed procedures will begin at the same discrete time moment, all starting on the same controller sample. There is no
control over which task runs first on each subsequent sample. The task scheduler places tasks into the next available task slot which might be before, or after, any other task based on slot availability. Avoid any task dependence where sequence is important.
The MAC Family supports 64 concurrent tasks in addition to concurrent motion which does not consume task resources
If all of the available task slots are filled an attempt to start another task will result in an Unable To Begin Task Escape Code.
If the task number is specified that is less than 1 or greater than the MaxUserTasks constant inside the interpreter package a Parameter Out Of Range Escape Code error will occur.
MaxUserTasks has a value of 16 but can be adjusted if more tasks need to be invoked from the host.
Note that only 14 additional tasks can run at one time as two are used to sustain host communication.
Related Topics
Abort User Task
User Task Present
Procedure Needed for Task