C Definition
void dms_SetCommandedPosition(long NodeNumber, long AxisNumber, double Param)
Pascal Definition
procedure dms_SetCommandedPosition(NodeNumber:longint; AxisNumber:longint; Param:double);
Set Commanded Position is used to set the desired setpoint for the motor. During normal profiled moves the commanded position is set by the internal motion profiler whilch calculates
a smooth sequences of commanded positions. However there are some situations where the criteria for where the motor should move each sample period is custom, for example electronic gearing.
Set Commanded Position bypasses the internal motion profiler allowing the direct assignment of the position setpoint. Note that a discontinuity in setpoint positions will directly map into an attempted
discontinuity in motor position resulting in a substantial bump. When working with stepper motors Set Commanded Position must be used along with Set Profile Velocity to accomplish effective motion performance. This
command is usually used in a resident program operating at the sample rate frequency necessry to provide a smooth trajectory.
Querying the commanded position reports the intended position for the motor. Virtual axes can only report commanded positions as there is no actual position with a virtual axis. Commanded motion can occur
on a physical axis with the motor off.
The Commanded Position of a coordinated group is the pathlength along the vector move.
The Set Commanded Position command does not generate any escapes.
Note that the EscapeResult parameter must be preset to
0 before making the call or the routine will not run
Related Topics
Positive Limit
Negative Limit
Actual Position
Destination Position