C Definition
void dms_SetSpeed(long NodeNumber, long GroupNumber, single Param)
Pascal Definition
procedure dms_SetSpeed(NodeNumber:longint; GroupNumber:longint; Param:single);
This command
is used to establish the slew speed to be used during axis movement. The parameter is in units of
User Units per second. The speed of a move may be changed on the fly at any point in a move and takes immediate effect if
the motion is in the slew phase. Setting the speed to zero is a way to pause motion activity. The speed value can later be restored
to the previous value and motion will resume.
For single axis machines this command effects the speed of the axis.
For multiaxis groups Set Speed effects the vector speeed of the group.
If the speed parameter resolves to a higher step frequency than 2Mhz then a Parameter Out Of Range Escape Code will occur.
Note that the EscapeResult parameter must be preset to
0 before making the call or the routine will not run
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