

The Yield Block defers further activity in the list of blocks until the next sample period. If the controller is operating at a sample rate of 1000 Hz then Yield correpsonds to a single sample delay of one millisecond. If the controller sample rate is set to 4000 Hz then a single yield will correspond to a 250 microsecond delay. If the controller is waiting for something to occur the waiting process must include a Yield command so that other tasks can run in the meantime. However it would be unusual for a block programmer to explicitly reference a yield command since yields are already built into structures and commands that might require waiting. All block looping structures include a yield already. Motion commands that take time to complete such as the blocking Move To and Move By commands internally include yields. Any Read/Write operation to a Console control internally provides yieids. For most block programmers the only reason to use a Yield block would be to provide a way to have a time delay less than 1 milisecond if the controller sample rate is set to higher than 1000 Hz.


The Yield block does not produce any escapes.


Assuming that the controller sample rate is set to 4 kHz this block list would generate a 2 kHz square wave output:

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