

Homing is the procedure a machine goes through to establish its coordinate system. Homing is needed if the machine does not have any position sensors or if the position sensors are incremental. Machines using absolute encoders do not home as their position can be determined directly.

The process involves moving each machine axis in a manner so as to find a machine feature with a know position for that axis. The feature might be a homing sensor or it might be a mechanical interference such as a hard stop. It is necessary to think through the homing process to insure that the machine is always moving in a way that prevents collisions. For example, a descending transfer machine will likely need to first home the vertical axis upwards and out of the way of material below the machine. Once the machine is up then it has freedom to move laterally without a collision threat. Homing must avoid collisions from any possible initial condition. If this is not possible absolute encoders may be required.

Homing To A Sensor

A series of examples will be shown from simplest to methods that offer higher performance.

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