The Modbus Register Map method of use directs motion behavior from a Modbus
Master such as a PC or PLC. Modbus Master libraries are available across a broad number of
devices and operating systems making the Modbus Register Map method the most versatile way to direct the motion
controller from an external master. Support is provided to manage controller-resident procedures
that can be added to the stock application using SnapTrack software.
Modbus Background
The modbus protocol was originally published by Modicon in 1979 and has become a popular
industrial communication standard for many automation component vendors. Additional in-
formation can be found at Modbus.org. Modbus provides a number of shared arrays between
a master and slave device. To simplify the interface the only shared array used is the "holding
register" array, an array of shared 16 bit registers. Adjacent array elements can be combined
to form larger data types. The following data types are used in the Modbus Register Map.
- Booleans are represented by a single 16 bit register, 0 means false and nonzero is true.
- 16 bit values are represented by a single register
- 32 bit longints and 32 bit single precision numbers are held in two adjacent registers
- 64 bit double precision floating point values are held in 4 adjacent registers
It is assumed that the master API library being used has the ability to read and write to a 16 bit
modbus holding register (commonly called the 4XXXX area). It is common for these libraries to
also support directly reading and writing singles and doubles. Not all masters can support the larger data types.
To support masters with data size limitations the Modbus Register Map program is also available in forms
with reduced resolutions that support maximum data sizes of 32 bits and 16 bits.
There are sometimes implementation differences regarding register order for multiple register data types.
This method uses the "little Endian" convention where the low register is at the indicated address and the
high registers are at the higher addresses.
There are sometimes convention differences between vendors regarding address notation. Modbus documentation
usually indicates that a register is at address N, but the underlying address sent in the actual modbus data packet
is N-1. Some vendors refer to address N and some refer to address N-1 creating an offset. This Modbus Register Map
uses the N convention. Addresses for mulit-register data types, expressed in hexadecimal, all start on odd rather than even numbers. To
help identify alignment issues there are constant registers for each data type that can be checked. If when read the
value is the indicated value the register maps are aligned. If there is a discrepency then the master address may
have to shift to be properly aligned.
Architectural Approach
The software design achieves control functions with the minimum number of transactions for maximum efficiency.
Although less important for the TCP/IP version, efficiency is important to the RTU serial port version.
Control purpose is generally expressed with where information is written. Control values are expressed by
the values written to those locations. For example, to perform a move by a certain distance, a value is written
to register 181h and the move commences based on the values already in the speed and acceleration registers. Writing to the
speed register during the move will dynamically change to the new speed setting during motion.
Some Modbus Master methods, such as a library for use with a PC application, are very deliberate in the sense that
every modbus transaction is specified by the application program. We can refer to motion produced by this type of master communication
as transaction-initiated. Other Modbus Masters, such as PLCs, can perform register operations prior to any ladder
logic intention, such as initializing all of the registers to zero before starting. There may be other cases where
registers are written without deliberate intention. To suppress the
effects of these unintentional writes there's a register at location 01h named "Communication State". If the value of
this register is 0 all other register writes are ignored. A value of 1 must first be written to this register to enable
writes operations of the rest of the memory map. Registers can always be read regardless of the Communication State.