Motor Is On


<axis> MTR <ON or OFF>


The Motor Is On command indicates if the motor is on and ready for motion. Stepper motors stay on until they are turned off or EStop is not satisfied. Servo motors turn themselves off as a safety behavior if the Error Position is greater than the Error Limit. If the axis indicated is an individual axis then the status reflects the state of that axis alone. If the axis indicated is a group then Motor Is On only returns true if all of the component axes of the group are on and ready. Virtual axes respond to Set Motor and Motor Is On status as if they were physical to aid in simulation.

Motor Is On indicates if the motor is on and ready for motion. Stepper motors stay on until they are turned off or EStop is not satisfied. Servo motors turn themselves off as a safety behavior if the Error Position is greater than the Error Limit. If the axis indicated is an individual axis then the status reflects the state of that axis alone. If the axis indicated is a group then Motor Is On only returns true if all of the component axes of the group are on and ready. Virtual axes respond to Set Motor and Motor Is On status as if they were physical to aid in simulation.


The Motor Is On command does not generate any escapes.


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Move Is Finished
Set Motor