Tracking Speed


<axis> TRS


Set Tracking Speed is used in tracking mode to establish how quickly the motor should keep up to the nominal position when it has opportunity to do so. If the tracking speed is set to a high value the motor will snap to the current position from a rotor lead/lag condition. If the tracking speed is low the motor will close in on the nominal position. The tracking closure is performed at the tracking speed without accel or decel. It is an option to set the tracking speed to zero so that the motor does not try to close in on the nominal position. This creates a slip clutch style behavior that may be useful in some applications. After sustaining rotor displacement at zero tracking speed the tracking speed can be raised and the motor will then close in to the nominal position. The motor operating speed can exceed the tracking speed. The tracking speed only is in effect when reducing rotor lead lag.


Setting the Tracking Speed does not produce any escapes. Out of range values are saturated.


This shows setting the tracking speed to 2.5 user units per second:

Note that the tracking speed does not readback.

Related Topics

Rotor Lead Lag Time