
Motion Block


The Input Bit block returns the state of the input bits referenced by the parameter. A non-zero value represents a high voltage and a 0 represents a low voltage. This block returns a single bit which is useful for making decisions. However host communication benefits from packed information. Using a controller resident application program it is an option to consolidate input bit status into a single user word if desired.


A Parameter Out Of Range Escape Code will be generated if the parameter references an input beyond the range of the controller.


This block list shows a prompter message if an input transitions to true:

However this would be more readable if Named IO is used instead:

This block list starts blinking when a switch connected to input 1 is pushed and continues until the switch is released.

Again, compare with the improved readability of Named IO. Note that the condition of "on" or "off" can be selected:

Related Topics

Set Output Bit