Data Drop Down

Configure Menu

The Data Drop Down menu item provides all variable names as list within a single bubble or diamond instead of as a list of bubbles or diamonds.

When Data Drop Down is inactive (the default condition) data blocks showon under the Blocks data category are shown individually:

If Data Drop Down is made active the variable names are presented as a list within a bubble for numbers:

Boolean variables are also presented in a list within a diamond:

In small projects it's convenient to not have data drop down. The set of variables can be viewed and the desired one chosen in a single drag movement. However for bigger block projects that have many variables it's more convenient to use the Data Drop Down option and not have to scroll through the list of blocks to find the desired variable.

If a project includes software packages that themselves have block accessible variables these can be chosen from the data dropdown by following the software package names:

The resulting bubble or diamond shows the entire variable name path:

If a variable is being added to a child package variables in the parent package are available for selection:

Good design practice suggests that variables should be private to a software package and that access to information handled through a procedures and function interface although this direct access is provided.