Set Max Current

C Definition

void dms_Abort(long NodeNumber, long GroupNumber)

Pascal Definition

procedure dms_Abort(GroupIndex:longint; var EscapeResult:integer);


This command sets the maximum current level for stepper motor operation in amps. The Set Run Current Percentage and Set Reduction Current Percentage commands refer to this command to establish the 100% value. More current does not necessarily mean more torque. If the magnetics saturate additional current only produces additional heat and can interfere with the task of reducing or reversing current during higher speed movement. Refer to motor specifications to identify the best operating current for any particular motor. Note how the current is specified for the motor and indicate rms or peak as the last list field parameter.


Set Maximum Current will not produce an escapecode. If a current setting is beyond the setting for the drive the current will be set to the maximum.

Note that the EscapeResult parameter must be preset to 0 before making the call or the routine will not run


Related Topics

Set Run Current Percentage
Set Reduction Current Percentage