

The Autostart Event commences when the program first begins. Autostart Events are only available for Package/Forms and usually used for Initialization. Software Packages that are brought into a project usually initialize themselves with an Autostart Event so that no action is needed to prepare the software package besides copy | pasting it into a project. Block lists that are started with an Autostart Event do not need to terminate but can have forever loops.

Unlike many other Event blocks, Autostart events are not unique to an object. A single package/form can have multiple Autostart Events. When the program starts the Autostart Events are triggered in a staggered manner with a sample period in between each spawn. If the Autostart tasks do not require elapsed time to execute they finish before the next is started minimizing thread loading but still accommodating a large number of autostart events in a project.

Any blocks that influence a form, such as Set Coordinate Frame, should not be done with Autostart since the form might not be present when Autostart runs. To initialize console objects on a form use the Setup event instead.


The Autostart block does not generate any escapes.


Autostart block lists often perform variable initialization.

This block list sets motion parameters based on a switch input examined during startup.

Autostart blocks are not unique. Multiple autostart activities can run concurrently.

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