Set Run Current To Percentage

Text Language Definition

procedure SetRunCurrentToPercentage(Value:single);


Set Run Current To Percentage establishes motor current as a percentage of the maximum current set with the Set Max Current command. This current will generally be active when the motor is moving. If the motor is in tracking mode and Variable Current Mode is active then this run current will be reduced to a lower sufficient value based on the rotor's tracking performance. When the move finishes the motor current will transition from the Run Current to the Reduction Current. Run current is often set to 100% so as to run the motor at the current specified in Set Max Current except for when mechanical interference is anticipated, such as hard stop homing, and it is desirable to not apply excessive torque.


Set Run Current To Percentage will not produce an escapecode. If the value is outside the bounds of 0 to 100 percent it will saturate to be within those bounds.


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Set Max Current
Set Reduction Current To Percentage
Position Limit EscapeCode