
Text Language Definition

Not Applicable


The Writeln (for Write Line) command is used to place into console objects that display text specific content under program control. Prompter, File, Label, Editor, and List objects have Writeln commands. The Writeln block is distinctive in that the parameters written can be modified. These modifications are made by right clicking the Writeln block to produce a local menu which allows adding or deleting various fields for different types of information. For the ongoing display of status information the Show event is more convenient to use.

When a project is first started the only blocks shown are for the Prompter and Files which are predefined. As Label, Editor, And List Box objects are added to the project the Read/Write block list grows showing blocks for the added objects


The Prompter object displays a message and waits for an acknowledgement. A button click procedure with this block...

...shows this:

A Prompter that can provide numeric information is made by right clicking the block and providing the appropriate fields...

...producing this:

The Writeln command replaces content in a Text Object or Editor Object. This procedure counts up to 5 replacing each value with a new value...

...which appears like this:

List objects add additional lines for each Writeln command. Here is the same procedure writing to a list....

...which shows this:

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