C Definition
void dms_SetErrorLimit(long NodeNumber, long GroupNumber, double Param)
Pascal Definition
procedure dms_SetErrorLimit(NodeNumber:longint; GroupNumber:longint; Param:double);
Error Limit is used to describe how far a physical axis's Actual Position can lag behind the Commanded Position without that lagging
being considered an error. In the ideal case the motor's Actual Position exactly follows the Commanded Position but system dynamics and transient
response of the motion control law often make this goal impossible. However, the error can be
minimized for profiles without acceleration. Systems which undergo high acceleration and deceleration are likely to incur hysteresis if the power system saturates. If the difference between the Actual Position and Commanded Positions exceeds
the Error Limit that was set, the axis will perform a Motor Off.
The Set Error Limit command does not produce any escapes.
Note that the EscapeResult parameter must be preset to
0 before making the call or the routine will not run
Related Topics
Error Limit
Actual Position
Commanded Position