Set Reduction Current To Percentage

C Definition

void dms_Abort(long NodeNumber, long GroupNumber)

Pascal Definition

procedure dms_Abort(GroupIndex:longint; var EscapeResult:integer);


Set Reduction Current To Percentage establishes the motor current when the motor is not moving. This is a percentage of the maximum current set with the Set Max Current command. If the motor is in tracking mode and Variable Current Mode is active then the motor current may reduce to less than the reduction current if the rotor is holding position and more current is not needed. When the move begins moving, the motor current will transition from the Reduction Current to the Run Current. If it is desired for the current to not be reduced then set the reduction current percentage equal to the run current percentage.


Set Reduction Current To Percentage will not produce an escapecode. If the value is outside the bounds of 0 to 100 percent it will saturate to be within those bounds.

Note that the EscapeResult parameter must be preset to 0 before making the call or the routine will not run


Related Topics

Set Max Current
Set Run Current To Percentage